Whale species seen today: Minke whale, white-beaked dolphin, harbour porpoise

Bird species seen today: Northern gannet, northern fulmar, common guillemot, razorbill, herring gull, great black-backed gull, black-headed gull, eider duck, Sooty shearwater.

10:00 - What a cooold morning on the bay with -2 degrees celsius. We went out well covered with warm overall and all the gear possible. The sea was very beautiful and calm. It was sunny morning and we could spot probaby 4-5 pods of 5-7 white-beaked dolphins. Some of them were friendly and coming close to our boat, following us or diving right under the boat. Other pods were elusive, other feeding, swimming fast and clearly trying to catch something, probably breakfast. It was interesting to see different types of behaviour from those gracious cetaceans. We went very far trying to find other species and saw a small size blow that could belong to a minke whale but we never found it and came back to the harbour. 

Crew: Captain Barður & Guide Eline, Captain Ragnar & Guide Miquel

14:00 - The wind picked up a little bit but the sea was still very good and the sky slowly got covered in clouds. The temperature also got much better, 10 degrees more than this morning! We went towards the north at first crossing 3-4 harbour porpoises. We didn't stop as they quickly disappeared. We continued and scouted many areas without any luck. We had the info from another boat that minke whale was closer to land so we went there full speed! We arrived and could spot the minke whale surfacing several times, showing is back and curvy dorsal fin before we had to head back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Barður & Guide Miquel


Today we are going ahead at 10:00 & 14:00 for our tours!

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024