Species seen today: white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises, minke whales, humpback whale

The wind blew softly from the east providing a smooth surface to cruise upon in search of cetaceans. The day was filled with successful tours with the real stars of the day being the white-beaked dolphins. On every trip the dolphins approached the boats to investigate, repeatedly coming close to gaze at us from below. We watched them switch from being curious to playful as the juveniles within the pod leapt clear from the water displaying their acrobatic abilities nicely. When we decided to leave them alone, we gently increased our speed which only encouraged the dolphins to play at our bow, riding the pressure waves that were created. Minkes were the most numerous species, being seen in the 10's on each tour. Some minkes casually passed by in the still water whilst others fed beneath flocking birds. Very briefly at the end of our final trip a humpback blow was sighted at a great distance which was soon followed by a tall fluke as it dove. To complete the set some harbour porpoises surfaced nearby as we watched other cetaceans.

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024