Happy Halloween! It is the last day of the season and we've had a great final week in terms of weather. Today was almost an exception, but we have moved our afternoon tour so we are able to go out - Today we are going out at 1000 and 1200.

Species seen today: Humpback whales, Minke Whales, White-beaked dolphins and Harbour Porpoises (1200 only)

10:00 - A warm, calm October morning that made us feel....could this really be Iceland? The weather lately has been incredible, not only the weather but the northern light displays and even the wildlife in the Bay. Today was no exception. We sailed to an area of 2-3 minke whales that were feeding under a flock of mainly sooty shearwaters and sea gulls. Then to an area with 3 very chilled humpback whales, yes our beloved trio (Mariupol, Neila and one other we believed to be pep a whale that joined this duel also last autumn). If this was not enough we also heard of another humpback whale about a mile away, an area where there was also loads of white-beaked dolphins. We had to check out also. We were amazed by the amount of dolphins, maybe 10-20 individuals all scattered around and a humpback whale we also saw yesterday on the 2pm tour. Wow, what a morning!!

Crew - Captain Megan and Guide Miquel

12:00  (LAST TOUR OF 2022) - The wind was picking up after lunch so we decided to move our tour forward. This is also one of our favourite times to be in the water when there is less boat traffic around. We headed straight to the area where we saw the humpbacks but they were more difficult to find, obviously taking longer dives. We did spot 2-3 harbour porpoises but they were quick to disappear when we stopped. We did however see loads of playful white-beaked dolphins, 20 individuals at least throughtout the tour. We also saw two minke whales but they were a little challenging to show to the passengers and not many got to see them. It was near the end of the tour when weather conditions and visibility impoved and we eventually saw two big bushy blows. Humpback whales, finally. They were taking at least 10min dives but one was getting a bit annoyed by pesky dolphins that it surfaced more and we got to see it well and even the tail when it went for a deeper dive. It was alittle more challenging this tour but we still got to see loads. It was sad to be travelling home on our last day of the season. But we had a fantasic one. Hope to see you all again next year.

Crew - Captain Megan and Guide Miquel

For more information call us on +354 497 0000

email us at info@whalesafari.is

or come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024