Species seen today: Minke whale, white-beaked dolphins

Birds seen today: Northern gannet, northern fulmar, sooty shearwater, manx shearwater, common guillemot, arctic skua, razorbill, great black-backed gull, lesser black-back gull, herring gull, eider duck

10:00 - The sky looked a bit shy but sunshine erupted through the clouds like a floodlight and pointed the way to the whales! We crossed upon some fins after half an hour surfing the almost no swell, they were from a pod of 3 to 4 white-beaked dolphins. They looked pretty shy, didn't want to play with the boat and so we carried on the search for more! Not too late we spotted some northern gannets plunge diving which meant lots of food and maybe a whale or two. We stopped to see another pod of white-beaked dolphins, this time they were 5 or 6! They came under the boat and jumped a bit around us! Very nice! We then proceeded with the scan and we saw another fin, this time a minke whale! We saw it from 50 meters away! It kept on coming up and then it disappeared. Our time was also short and so, we started to head back to the harbour with a bit of sunshine left.

Crew: Captain Ragnar & Guide Pedro; Captain Reynar & Guide Melanie.

14:00 - It was still really cloudy but not yet with a lot of waves when we started this tour in the bay. We first saw harbour porpoises ! Hard to even say how many where in a pod since there were so many around us, at least a good 30 in the area including 3 or 5 around our boat surfacing. It's very rare to see this kind of friendly behaviour from harbour porpoises, it was really surprising. After this encounter we continued and eventually found a pod of white beaked dolphins, there was probably around 10 in the area, feeding most probably, we saw them close and then going around in the area looking for food. We stayed for a bit and eventually left as we did not want to disturb too much the feeding behaviour of these animals. We then continued and started our way back; on the way we managed to encounter 2 minke whales. They were tricky to notice but everyone managed to have a look at least one at a minke before we made our way back to port.

Crew: Captain Reynar & Guide Melanie. 

Today our tour at 10:00 is confirmed, whilst our tour at 12:00 is pending. Our tours at 14:00 & 16:00 has unfortunately been cancelled due to poor weather conditions

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

Email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024