Species seen today: minke whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbour Porpoises

10:00 - It was a little choppier than expected this morning but fun nonetheless. We first sailed south the productive area of yesterdays tours and came across two pods of white-beaked dolphins. The first was elusive and difficult to approach so we left them alone and saw another pod further in the distance. These were amazing, approaching us often and close. Its always amazing to see the difference in behaviours between groups/individuals. After a fun time with the dolphins we went looking for minkes and we saw a few. We were having a bit of difficult with the minkies and only saw the odd one pop up here and there. It wasn´t until near the end of the tour we found an area with about 4-5 minke whales and we got to see them very well. 

Crew - Captain Reynar and Guide Megan. 

14:00 - It was a little trickier on this tour. We did see at least 7-8 minke whales and few of them multiple times but it required alot of patience. Just by having the boat in nuetral and waiting we had minke´s surfacing all around the boat, sometimes close sometimes far away. We stayed in the area for about 40minutes before going to search for more life. unfortunatly we didn´t see the dolphins but we had the most wonderful encounter with a small pod of about 5 harbour porpoises. They were so playful, approaching the boat, surfacing close, a very rare encounter with usually a shy and elusive species. They were great. 

Crew - Captain Reynar and Guide Megan. 

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024