Species seen today: humpback whales, minke whales, white-beaked dolphins

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, black guillemot, common guillemot, razorbill, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, herring gull, great cormorant, greylag geese, common eider duck, Arctic tern, Arctic skua, shell duck

10:00 - On this tour we saw 3 of our most commonly seen species. We started off by a few minke whales, at least 4 or 5 passed us by really fast, but we could still observe their sleak black body with a pointy dorsal fin. Then we saw a humpback whale, we saw this individual for only 2 breathing sequences before it came back down for a long deeper dive. Then we searched for more and at the end of the tour we saw another humpback whale, this one that we saw for a few breathing sequences and its tail as it went down in the water, along with a pod of about 2 to 4 white beaked dolphins that came to ride with us for just a few moments. A really nice tour with a lot of wildlife. 

Crew: Captain Daniel & Mélanie

12:00 - It was raining when we left the harbour but soon we escaped the drops. The sea was quite calm with a southern wind. We went directly into Faxaflói bay searching for cetaceans. We struggled a bit to have a sighting, quickly stopped after seeing a minke whale that immediatly disappeared.   After some more exploration we could spot the blow from a humpback whale. The animal was going for long deep dives and moving a lot so very difficult to follow, but we still managed to see the fluke dive 3 times and a few sequences. We went back after a stop in Akurey to see the cute little puffins, some of them bringing fish to the burrow to feed their puffling.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Miquel

16:00 - We went out again under a nice weather this time, with some sun shining in the sky. We stopped in Akurey to see the puffin and went out. We had a glimpse of a minke whale that was very shy and did not show up again. Then we found a pod of 5-6 white-beaked dolphins. We looked those dolphins that seemed busy, swimming close to each other with a calf. In the same area we found a humpback whale! It quickly went for a dive without showing its fluke and we had to wait very long until we could see it again in the distance. The time to get closer and the humpback was gone already. We tried to explore other areas and we did spot a blow but unfortunately we could not have a nice encounter, so we gave complimentary tickets to our passengers.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Miquel

20:00 - The midnight tour was beautiful. No wind and calm seas, a beautiful evening sunlight, and great dolphins. Before that we stopped to see the puffins in Akurey. Then we went out, crossed harbour porpoises that quickly dove. We continued and found a pod of 5-7 white beaked dolphins very friendly coming under out boat and following us. Then in the same area a humpback whale appeared with another pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins, interacting. The humpback tried to chase the dolphins with its tail and turning on the side, half of the tail out of the water. We could see a couple of time the rostrum of the humpback whale out of the water as well and dolphins jumping above the humpback! Rascals. The humpback finally dove and we struggled a lot to see it again. We also saw 3-4 minke whales, sometimes close sometimes far. One was feeding under a flock of birds, 2 others crossed each other. We did see a few times a blow in the distance but the whales were not easy to approach. We cam back with the midnight sun in our back.

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Miquel

Today we are running a full schedule of whale watching with tours at 1000, 1200, 1600 and 2000, and puffin watching at 0900, 1030 1300 & 1600. 

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D, call us on +354 497 0000

or email us at info@whalesafari.is

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024