Species seen today: Humpback whale, minke whale, white beaked dolphins

Birds seen today: Storm petrel, Atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, northern gannet, common guillemot, black guillemot, herring gull, arctic tern, arctic skua, black legged kittiwake, Lesser and great black backed gull, eider duck, black headed gull.

10:00 - The day is overcast but after passing by Engey to see the puffins we started to head out to the middle of Faxaflói to try to see some cetaceans! We had a bit of wind and small white caps with a bit of splash to top it all up, but we want the whales! So, in the past few days, they've been seen very far away, around half an hour long. After that time, we saw a small pod of 3 to 4 white-beaked dolphins but they were elusive. We saw some fins and lots of birds in the area so we went to investigate. We had with us 5 minke whales milling around a bait ball of sandeels! They kept on attacking the fish and suddenly a blow was seen from 1 humpback whale! It was a known whale that has been seen almost every day! We stayed with it for a bit, it did very beautiful fluke dives, and after that our time was over and we started to head back home. A surprise awaited us, 2 minke whales started to breach and head-throwing!! One of them did this 12 times!! Amazing end of a tour!!

Crew: Captain Reynar & Guide Pedro, Captain Daniel & Guide Melanie

12:00 - We went back to the good area after seeing the puffins in Engey. We spotted 3 minke whales during our way but did not stop thinking we might see more later. We reached the area were 2 humpback whales were feeding with a few hundred meters away between them. We focused on one that was actual Davy Jones. 7-8 white-beaked dolphins were around probably trying to get there share of fish as well as many birds. The humpback went for several fluke dive showing us its tail and was changing direction constantly probably trying to get the best angle to grab all the fish. We could see this majestic animal from very close and been splahsed by its blow. After a while we saw the other humpback coming towards the one we were observing but they did not stay together. We continued with this second one until we had to come back to the harbour. 

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Miquel

14:00 - With a heart full of joy and a grey sky we went out again to try to see some cetaceans, but first a stop at Akurey to see some cute puffins! We pointed the bow to the middle of the bay and out we went! Half an hour into the journey we saw a pod of 5 to 6 white-beaked dolphins that played with the boat, bow rided and did some jumps around us! We saw a blow in the distance and went there to investigate what it was! It was a humpback whale, the same from the previous tour! It was acting very normal and very elusively so we left it alone and went in search of another one. And yeah, we found another humpback whale, Davy Jones II made quite an appearance, it was lunge feeding and we could even see the inside of its huge mouth with baleen and all! He performed amazing fluke dives and kept on repeating over and over the same action: fluke dive, bubbles and lunge feed! Davy really knows how to entertain us. The wind picked up and our time was over, so we went back to Reykjavik a bit wet but super happy to see such a majestic beast.

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Pedro, Captain Reynar & Guide Melanie

16:00 - It was quite choppy on the sea but we had warned all of the passengers of the sea conditions before going out. Barely 20 min in the trip we spotted a pod of 5 white beaked dolphins that appeared in the waves. We could not see it for so long, they did not seem to want to stay with us for a while, it is ok we just continued our way. After some time we spotted again some jumps of dolphins in the distance, this pod of 5 ish dolphins was much more friendly and came to ride our wake ! We then headed toward another area and saw a humpback whale, it is the one we know as Davy Jones the II. In this area we noticed 2 or 3 minke whales as well that appeared very fast. We stayed a while with this animal and could see a lot of different behaviors, including some lunge feeding. It was definetely a very cool sighting !

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Melanie

For more information, come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us on +354 497 0000.

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024