Today we are going out at 1200 and 1400! The tour at 1000 was cancelled due to bad weather in the morning but it has quickly improved over the day.

Species seen today: Minke Whales and White-beaked Dolphins. 

12:00 - We had a private tour at 12:00 with a family of 11 from Greece. We enjoyed the company of a small pod of 4-6 white-beaked dolphins, most of which we could see in the distance but 1 or 2 curious individuals came to play with us and bowride. Then we found an area with about 4-5 minke whales that were in a feeding frenzy under a large flock of birds. They were doing some amazing lateral lunge feeds and surfacings just a few meters from us. It was like watching a David Attenbough documentary. An area full of life. 

Crew - Captain Léo and Guide Megan

14:00 - This tour was better weatehr wise but a little more challenging with regards to the wildlife. We had a wonderful time with a   very scatter pod of about 10-14 white-beaked dolphins that travelled with us and occasionally came to bowride. The we went searching for minke whales, none coul dbe seen in the area we saw them this morning, Maybe due to the amount of boats in the area so we search a large area but with no avail. In the end we tried new tactics and went exactly to the area we saw them in the morning again, when there was less boats, and just stopped! this gave the guide and passengers some time to talk and low and behond a minke whale popped up. We onlt saw it twice but most got to see it. We still felt that this tour was not up the the standards we would like for our passengers so offered complimentary tickets so they could join us on the classic tour and hope they have more time with the whales next time. 

Crew - Captain Léo and Guide Megan

For more information call us on +354 497 0000

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or come see us at Ægisgarður 5D!

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024