Species seen today: Minke whale, white-beaked dolphin, harbor porpoise

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, northern gannet, common guillemot, black guillemot, northern fulmar, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, herring gull 

10:00 - We have a beautiful day today and we want to see some cetaceans! Not even 10 minutes into the journey, we saw 3 harbour porpoises that showed us what they looked like as they came really close to us! We moved on to an area that is known for having some activity. We spotted 1 minke whale surfacing very close to us but just passing by. We went to another spot where some northern gannets were plunge diving quite a lot and we saw 2 pods of white-beaked dolphins of 5 to 6 individuals each! They were curious and popped up 2 meters from us and some even breached and made splashes around the boat! Quite a unique experience! We spotted another minke whale too but our time was over, so we went back to sunny Reykjavík all happy! We even stopped to see 5 puffins on the way, these guys are now quite rare as their breeding season comes to an end. Happy times!

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Pedro

12:00 - This tour started also by a very nice sea. We went to the areas where we had previously seen some animals. It was challenging at first, we saw first a minke whale and a white beaked dolphin, just once in one area. Then we kept on searching and we finally reached an area where we saw a bunch of minke whales ! There was at least 5 to 10 around, we had views on quite a few of them and finally we saw one minke that we know quite well in the area since 2007 : Tap ! And Tap came quite close so we had great views on this one a few times before we had to head back. A nice ending to a tour !

Crew: Captain Bohdan & Guide Mel

14:00 - The day and the water are looking nice and calm, so we headed down to the middle of the bay to try to see some cetacean activity! We sailed for a while until we had an encounter with 2 minke whales that were busy feeding on fish! They came up close to us a few times. We then went on to another area where we saw another minke whale! This one was more elusive so we went away to another place where we found 2 pods of white-beaked dolphins composed of 4 to 5 individuals each! They played around with the boat and jumped a little bit! We could even see them underwater which was amazing to see. The time was over and got back to Reykjavík on an amazing sunny day!

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Pedro, Captain Bohdan & Guide Mel

16:00 - The sea was a bit more wavy than the previous tours, but it did not deter us from looking for some animals. We started our sail in the bay and went through a lot of areas where we had seen animals before. As we sailed around this areas we saw nothing at first. We continued for a while, on the look. Finally we got rewarded by a pod of about 10 to 15 white beaked dolphins, scattered around the area that were playing in the waves ! The dolphins were jumping right by us, we could see them for a while, they are always so much fun. Then we had to go back, on our way back we searched through an area for something bigger, but nothing in sight, so we made our way back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Mel 

Today we are going out as scheduled on all of our whale watching tours at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 & 16:00.

For more information, come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

Email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024