Species seen today: Humpback whale, minke whale, white-beaked dolphin, harbour porpoise

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, fulmar, cormorant, black-legged kittiwake, herring gull, manx shearwater, iceland gull, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, razorbill, common guillemot, black guillemot

10:00 - The bay had never been calmer than this morning. We could hardly see where the sea stopped and the sky started with these light conditions, and it made it easy to spot anything coming out of the water. It took some time, but we found two humpback whales and they were well worth the wait. They were lunge-feeding and we were very lucky to see the whole upper body come out of the water. Incredible to see those enormous animals feed on tiny sandeels right next to us! We followed them for some time, and in the meantime also spotted a few minke whales. With great memories we sailed back to Reykjavik. 

Crew: Captain Reynar & Guide Eline

12:00 - A lovely sun showed up in the middle of this cloudy sky, the waves are gone and the wind too! After a quick check on the puffins in Akurey, we headed out to the middle of the bay! On the way to the place where whales were seen on the previous tours, we saw a small pod of 4 to 5 harbour porpoises just feeding on some sandeels on the surface. After half an hour of going at 30 knots, we had an encounter with 1 humpback whale, it was doing lovely fluke dives and chilling near us! Around us, a large pod of 25 or more white-beaked dolphins that performed incredible jumps, scared us by popping 30 centimeters away! The humpback had other ideas, it nodded to the dolphins that were jumping around it, it tried to imitate dolphins going up and down, it even imitated the boat itself by showing just its head above the water! In the distance, we saw another humpback whale but the one that we had was so nice that we decided to stay with it for the whole tour! We started to head back because we were short on time but on the way we saw 7 minke whales in the middle of a huge flock of birds! What a day!!

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Pedro

14:00 - After a stop to Akurey to see the cute puffins breeding there we went far out without stopping to find the humpbacks from this morning. On our way we spotted at least 2 minke whales and a pod of 2-4 harbour porpoises. The 2 humpbacks spotted this morning were still there feeding. We quickly saw the first one going for a fluke dive and decided to go with the one further out. It was Davy Jones lunge feeding sometimes super close to the boat. The whale was joined by a pod of 10 white-beaked dolphins showing off some jumps and clearly interested into feeding going after the humpback. In the distance there was at least 1 or 2 more minke whales. We stayed for a while enjoying the calm sea and the amazing feeding humpback that came a few time almost under our boat. We then headed back to the harbour the mind full of memories.

Crew: Captain Reynar & Guide Miquel

16:00 - The wind picked up slightly but the bay was still very calm. We spotted a huge flock of seabirds, under which we found 10 minke whales. The whales were surfacing everywhere, and at the end some of them even came very close to us. We moved on to an area with white-beaked dolphins who came even closer to the boat and played with us for some time. Then, we were distracted by a huge blow of a humpback whale. We found out there were two individuals swimming side by side. These whales were feeding, sometimes right next to us. We could see their expanded bellies, the details on their heads, and sometimes even feel the blow when they surfaced. An incredible tour!

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Eline

20:00 - We went with three boats this evening. After a stop around the islands close to Reykjavik to see the puffins breeding we went to the same area than today so quite far. The conditions were still excellent with a flat sea. The eruption was visible from the bay with some little orange lava sparkling from the Reykjanes peninsula. We saw 2 harbour porpoises during the way out and a few minke whales, maybe 3 or 4 popping here and there. We reached an area with 2 or 3 pods of 7-10 white-beaked dolphins. The first pod wasn't friendly but the second and third were social and jumping and following the boat, bow riding and jumping on our side. There was also 2 humpback whales in the area going for nice fluke dives. Davy Jones was on of those humpbacks and came sometimes close to us. After a great time between the volcano, the puffins, the humpbacks, the dolphins and a minke whale appearing close to a flock of birds, we went back home.

Crew: Captains: Siggi, Gunni and Steini & Guides: Miquel, Pedro and Eline

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024