Species seen today: humpback whale, minke whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises

Finally sea conditions were good today! We were able to go ahead with all of our tours and had a great day out at sea! This morning was filled with minke whales and dolphins. There were minkes in all directions but only one or two came up close. We also saw two pods of dolphins, one pod came up to the boat to check us out but the other kept their distance. The second pod had calves in the group so was being protective of the little ones. Scattered amongst the morning tour we also saw a few porpoises but these were quick encounters as the porpoises tend to be a little shy. In the afternoon, good sightings continued. The minkes and dolphins stuck around and the minkes especially were seen feeding under groups of diving gannets which was spectacular to see. A humpback whale had also entered the bay in the afternoon so we were able to watch this individual show us its fluke before diving down to feed on fish. It dived for about 6 minutes, but when surfacing stayed for around 5 breaths, usually slowly moving or even just logging at the surface.

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024