Species seen today: Humpback whales, minke whales, white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, fulmar, cormorant, black-legged kittiwake, herring gull, manx shearwater, iceland gull, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, razorbill, common guillemot, black guillemot

10:00 - We sailed out on this cloudy day, with almost no wind or waves! But first, a quick check on the puffins in one of the islands close to Reykjavík. Afterward, we went faster toward the middle of Faxaflói to look for cetaceans! They've been in an area quite far from land, but we can go far and fast with a speed boat! Half an hour into the journey and we spotted our first cetaceans, a small pod of 3 to 4 white-beaked dolphins that were a bit shy. We carried on and after 5 minutes we saw splashes of another pod of the same species. These were more fun and decided to surprise us by jumping really close to us and also got us wet with the splash!! They played a lot with the boats and while we had them, at least 6 or more minke whales were in the area. We left them and went to another place where we could see some blows. They were from 2 humpback whales that were lunge feeding and showing their pectoral fins in the air! What a sighting, we could even see them underwater! The whales and the dolphins were amazing, but the time was over. We pointed the boat to the harbour and said goodbye with a nice fluke dive.

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Pedro, Captain Siggi & Guide Melanie

12:00 - Another amazing tour went through today. EVerything started with the adorable puffins and after we fce the bay in the search for the cetaceans. We went a bit further away than normal but was totally worth it since everything was there. The 4 common species were in  the same area due to an immense amount of fish in the area as well. The birds were striking against the water, the dolphins and the whales were feeding. Was so many sandeels that we could see them from the boat, and the humpbacks were lunge feeding just a few meters from the boat. We could see all the big bellys coming to the surface opening there enormous mouths to catch all the fish. The motors of the boat were turned off and we just stayed there enjoying an amazing quality time with this enormous individuals for almos the entire time of the tour.

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Rodrigo

14:00 - What a lovely Icelandic sky we have today, but with almost no wind or waves! After a quick check on the puffins, we set our course to the middle of Faxaflói to look for cetaceans. After half an hour, we saw a glimpse of 3 minke whales, and not too far, a big blow was seen followed by another one! They were from 2 humpback whales the same 2 that were seen on the previous tour, Davy Jones II and Happy! They were doing amazing lunge feeding events, rolling, and fluke diving really nicely for us to take really nice pictures! We followed them around, and after about an hour with these gentle giants we have no more time and we started to head back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Pedro, Captain Gunni & Guide Melanie

16:00 - Since the spot was so amazing in the morning we decided to go there again. The whales were still feeding so we could again enjoy the time with this animals. The dolphins were jumping around and the minke whales sorrounding us. All the animals were having their lunch break, it was difficult to choose what side of the boat too look because the animals were everywhere. We didn't need to move the boat again the whales were appearing super close to the boat but never touching it. Another amazing tour today with this beautiful beasts.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rodrigo

20:00 - It was again a fantastic evening in the bay, first we got to see 2 humpback whales ! They were the same as the previous tours and they were this time resting in the surface not moving. It was very nice to see them from so close so peaceful ! Then we headed a bit away from the humpback whales and saw 2 pods of white beaked dolphins, the two pods having 3 to 5 individuals, the dolphins did not stay for vey long and some of them came even to bowride for a bit. And then in the area we also could observe very well 2 minke whales. We came after that to say bye to the humpbacks before heading to the harbour, they still had not moved, and one of our boats even got a glimpse of 2 harbour porpoises on the way back. What a day !

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Melanie, Captain Steini & Guide Rodrigo 

Today we are running whale watching tours at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 & 2000, with puffin watching tours at 1030, 1430 & 1600.

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D, email us at info@whalesafari.is

or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024