Species seen today: Humpback whale, minke whale, white-beaked dolphin

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, fulmar, cormorant, black-legged kittiwake, herring gull, manx shearwater, iceland gull, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, razorbill, common guillemot, black guillemot

10:00 - This morning the weather continues really good in the bay. The tour as usual started with the lovely puffins and after the search for the cetaceans. Today we went further away to the same spot as yesterday. Definitely a good decision because all the fish was there and the whales were feeding everywhere. This was a hotspot of fish, not only 2 humpback whales were feeding but also white beaked dolphins around 10 of them. After we enjoy the time with this beautiful animals doing some lunge feeding and some tail dives we had to start to head back and one of the humpbacks decided to do a peduncle throw showing half of his body to everyone. This was the perfect way to finish the tour. 

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rodrigo

12:00 - Today the wind was very cold but the sea very flat as we headed out in the open sea. We got very lucky in this tour as when we arrived in the area there was so much wildlife. Minke whales where in the area, we saw 5 of them feeding around, and then we spotted 2 blows ! It was 2 humpback whales, Davy Jones the II being one of them, rolling and feeding. We stayed in the area, for a while, saw at least 15 minke whales and those 2 humpbacks. It was amazing to see all of these crazy behaviors. After some time we started our way back to the harbour and saw 2 white beaked dolphins. What a nice surprise to finish the tour. 

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Melanie

14:00 - The conditions were still great this afternoon in the bay. We had a stop in Engey to see the cute puffins breeding there, hanging out on the top of the island in front of their burrows. Then we went further out and quickly stopped to observe a pod of 6-8 white-beaked dolphins. They were curious and came under the boat, friendly and playful following us for a few minutes. We wanted to go further out to find bigger animals so we continued. We arrived in an area with 2 different humpback whales, 4-5 minke whales, and 2-3 pods of 6-7 white-beaked dolphins. We focused on a humpback whale that we quickly identified as Aang that was swimming in a straight line for a while showing us the tail every few minutes. We stopped to watch one of the pods of dolphins that actually met with the humpback whale having a short interaction. After a few minutes we started leaving when the dolphins decided to jump! We came back and then the humpback whale started peduncle throwing and tail slapping! The animals calmed down quickly and we went back to see the other humpback whale feeding under many Arctic terns. It was Davy Jones! We stayed a few more minutes with our friend Davy and came back to the harbour, crossing a pod of 3-4 harbour porpoises before we arrived.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Miquel, Captain Gunni & Guide Rodrigo

16:00 - This afternoon the hopes off spending some quality time with whales was high since all the tours in the morning spotted some. We faced faxflaoi bay with our speed boat and this time we went further away but we found the whales again. All the 4 common species were in the spot multiple minke whales, 2 humpback whales, white beaked dolphins and 1 small harbour porpoise. Everyone was happy, we were watching the animals and they were having bthe best luch of there lives. They were all the time lunge feeding and diving too search for some more fish. All the action was in the same spot so we turned of the motors of the boat and spend almost the entire tour with all the birds and the whales in the wild nature. Eventually we had to start to head back to the harbour finishing another very good tour.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rodrigo

20:00 - The sun was hiding behind the clouds and the air was very cold during this midnight tour. But it did not stop us from exploring the bay. Our first encounter was with a pod of 5 or so white beaked dolphins ! The dolphins were bow riding and also feeding, which led to a very nice first encounter. We then decided to move toward an area where we had seen some other species before .. moving through this area we saw a minke whale and then saw 2 black bodies on the surface, it was 2 humpback whales ! The humpback whales were barely visible at the surface, just logging and clearly resting from their long day of feeding (we saw these 2 individuals already in our previous tours feeding almost in all of them). We observed them for a while inactive at the surface, then a pod of 4 to 6 white beaked dolphins arrived leaping on top of them : the humpback whales became active again for a few minutes, showing us their beautiful tail and moving a bit to the side. Then the dolphins disappeared and these 2 animals went back to sleeping. We could observe them for a while inactive at the surface taking some deep breaths every few minutes. It was truly magical. We then left the area to go back toward the harbour as cautious as possible to not disturb their resting behaviour (which we managed) and on our way back we encountered more 2 pods of white beaked dolphins, one of 5 ish animals, and one of about 3, bow riding and feeding. It was a great evening tour again in the bay !

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Melanie

Today we are running all of our tours! Whale watching is on at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 & 2000, with puffin watching at 0900, 1030, 1300, 1430, 1600.

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D, email us at info@whalesafari.is

or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024