Species seen today: humpback whale, minke whales, white-beaked dolphins

Today's weather was a little windy which picked up the waves making our tours a bit bumpy! Despite this everyone enjoyed themselves and our bright red suits protected our passengers from the wind and spray. In the morning, conditions were best and the wind increased throughout the day but we were still able to see animals on every single whale watching tour! This morning we were able to see a relaxed humpback whale, some minke whales and a few dolphins. The humpback whale hung around all day but headed further out into the bay and started doing deeper dives so unfortunately we didn't see it in the afternoon. Minkes however were seen on every tour today! There were plenty of them out feeding under flocks of birds, giving us displays of lunge feeding a few times as well. Unfortunately the weather is not forecasted to be good tomorrow so we have had to cancel all our RIB tours. This means that we have now officially ended our puffin tours with the last one today. We will be patiently waiting for them to return next year!

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024