Species seen today: Humpback whale, minke whale, white-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoise

Birds seen today: Atlantic Puffin, Cormorant, Arctic tern, Black guillemot, Bridled guillemot, eider duck, Arctic skua, Herring gull, Iceland gull, black-backed gull, Black-legged kittiwake

10:00 - There was a lot of clouds and the air was quite cold as we sailed out in the open sea. But the weather changed and the sun came out soon during the tour. After a stop to the puffin island we went further out to find whales. We sailed for a while crossing the path of 2 harbour porpoises, before we got to an area where we could see some bird flocks feeding. In this area there was minke whales feeding, we spotted 4-5 of them. But bigger blows captured our attention. Those blows were coming from 2 humpback whales. We first focus on one that was travelling and we recognized Davy Jones, going for graceful fluke dives, showing us its tail. Then we went back to the other humpback whale that was feeding under very active Arctic terns. The large whale was lunge-feeding capturing all the small preys at the surface, once super close of us! After this great sighting we went back to the harbour. 

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Mélanie, Captain Siggi & Guide Miquel

12:00 - We had an unforgettable tour this afternoon! The sun was shining, there was not a single other whale-watching boat in the area, and there were whales all around us. We first saw a minke whale coming up close to the boat a few times, and then we were distracted by a splash in the distance. We saw a few blows of humpback whales and sped up towards the area, happy to find four humpback whales feeding among arctic terns and sea gulls, and with three more minke whales in the background as well. The humpback whales were lungefeeding - rolling around to expose their expanded rorquals on the stomach and sometimes opening their mouths wide agape. The whales came incredibly close and it was amazing to witness these giants from just a few meters distance. 

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Eline

14:00 - Under a blue sky we went back into the bay to see if the animals were still there. We first saw 2 or 3 minke whales feeding close to flocks of birds and then we went in the area where other boats found 3-4 humpback whales. We saw first the blows in the distance, than the tail of the animals going for a fluke dive. One of the humpback whale started peduncle throwing and tail slapping and pectoral slapping! Very impressive. We had a long way back home so after a last fluke dive of this very active whale we went back home.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Miquel, Captain Gunni & Guide Mélanie

16:00 - As we knew the area where we were heading to hopefully see cetaceans was quite far out we decided to go there as soon as we could. We then navigated with high speed toward and arrived to the previous area and saw 2 humpback whales and a pod of 5 or so white beaked dolphins ! the humpback whales were feeding in the area, dolphins probably feeding as well and some minke whales, probably around 3 or so, even appeared in the distance. It was a big feast for this marine mammals and sea birds, and we got lucky enough to observe this for a while. What a great tour in the bay ! 

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Mélanie

20:00 - This evening was unforgettable. We found an area with jumping white-beaked dolphins, some of whom were very curious about our boat and came right up to us. In the same location, two very calm humpback whales surfaced simultaneously! The dolphins and the humpbacks started interacting with each other, and lucky for us also with us! We couldn't have had a closer encounter: the dolphins were coming up within touching distance, while the humpback whales were circling us and one time even gently nosebumped the boat. The individual that we know as Davy Jones II spyhopped multiple times just a few meters away from us. Clearly he was watching us just as much as we were watching him. Incredible to feel so connected to such an enormous animal, to feel their breath on our faces, to smell their odour, and to observe their beauty in great detail. I think everyone will always remember this tour and this unbelievable interaction with the humpback whales and dolphins with the midnight sun in the background.  

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Eline

Today we are running all of our tours! Whale watching is on at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 & 2000, with puffin watching at 0900, 1030, 1300, 1430, 1600.

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D, email us at info@whalesafari.is

or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024