Species seen today: Minke whale, Humpback whale, White-beaked dolphins

We had an amazing day today! The conditions were perfect: glassy calm sea and excellent visibility! After around 25 minutes of ride we found our first big flock of birds and 3 minke whales under them, all actively feeding. Two were adult minkes and one was a bit smaller one. They were feeding very close to our boat, but not in high speed, performing 3-4 breaths while on surface, which allowed enough time to observe them nicely. After that we spotted a pod of around 5 white-beaked dolphins. There was one juvenile and also one newborn, which was probably just few days old. It was amazing to see this cute newborn, still with the fetal folds on their sides (stripes from being folded up inside its mom). The last part of our tour we spent surrounded by another 3 flocks of feeding birds and few minkes (4-5) and a humpback whale. Humpback whale was diving for 6 minutes, probably hunting, but when it surfaced, we saw it for few breaths and it fluked up vey nicely close to us. 

In the afternoon the conditions continued as perfect as the morning, calm sea, no wind and although a bit of cloud cover, the visibility was really good. We found a big pod of birds feeding and imediately we say three minkes around also feeding. One juvenile got really close to our boat a couple of times making it possible to see its white patches on pectoral fins. After a while our captain saw a blow close by so we decided to investigate. It was a humpback, it came up a couple of times but it was a bit sleepy so we left it alone. We manged to see another two minkes and a lot of bird feeding activity from many diffrerent species. Amazing day!

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024