Species seen today: humpback whales, minke whales, white-beaked dolphins

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, black guillemot, common guillemot, razorbill, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, herring gull, great cormorant, greylag geese, common eider duck, Arctic tern, Arctic skua

10:00 - Today we sailed out in the bay with very calm seas again, which makes our job to spot the animals much easier. Didn't took to long before the first animals started to appear. The puffins and the minke whales were everywhere, we saw more than 10 minke whales in this tour which is incredible! We continued the tour and some dolphins appeared close to the boat, we could see them under the water and even playing with the boat for quite some time. After enjoying our time with the dolphins we started to go in the direction of reykjavik slowly and 2 humpback whales surfaced some meters from the boat and both did a beautiful fluke dive at the same time, the perfect way to finish the tour.

Crew: Captain Megan & Guide Rodrigo / Captain Siggi & Guide Melanie

12:00 - Grey skies and rain could never deceive us from a wonderful journey. It was a boy's trip, only boys on the boat today! After a quick check on the puffins on Engey we sailed out to the middle of Faxaflói. We sailed for about 20 minutes and we saw a black back! It was 3 minke whales and then they disappeared, a regular minke behavior! We continued our search and on the way we saw more minkes and another sighting, a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins that were very elusive, and very weird! After that, we changed place and saw even more dolphins, but these were different, they were more social and we could see them underwater! Not too far more minkes appeared and we could hear the blow. More travel and a humpback whale breached on our left!! They were 3 in the same area, another one did pectoral slaps on the water and then we saw the third one sleeping on the water line, we could get very close with the engines off and we could see how big that whale was! Eventually, it moved and we saw another 2 on the way back to base. Quite a day out there!!

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Pedro

14:00 - This afternoon the weather was still amazing, thankfully didn't change from the morning so was easier to spot the animals. We went further away than usual but was totally worth it. The are was full of minke whales, humpbacks and white beaked dolphins. In this tour we saw more than 10 Minke whales, 6 humpbacks whales and around 50 white beaked dolphins. At the beginning we were following one humpback whale and in the distance we saw another one BREACHING! Basically this individual was jumping out of the water so we went really fast to check it and did it for multiple times so everyone on the boat could see it. The area was full of fish and we saw some whales doing lunge feeding and rolling with their massive pectoral fins out of the water. We didn't even need to move the boat there were animals literally everywhere around us, the dolphins were jumping and the whales were feeding. This was an amazing tour!  

Crew: Captain Megan & Guide Rodrigo

16:00 - Quite an Icelandic day with rain to add to the fun! We checked the puffins on Engey before heading out to the open ocean. After a few bumps on the waves, we spotted a minke whale just passing by. A few moments later, we had a pod of 6 to 8 white-beaked dolphins on our sight but then 2 humpback whales joined the party! It was with surprise that we saw them together feeding with some fluke dives in between. Amazing, we were very happy but there were another 2 humpbacks in the area and one of them decided to join the dolphins. The dolphins jumped a lot around the humpback whale, trying to annoy the whale! All of a sudden both were gone, and we tried to follow a minke whale for a bit. Without us noticing the humpback was joined by the other 3 and the dolphins! An amazing sighting for our socked eyes! Our time was over and we said goodbye to these gentle giants.

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Pedro

20:00 - The rain was still there as we started our evening tour. Luckily enough for us there was till a lot of wildlife in the bay. After 30 minute navigation we had the chance of observing 2 humpback whales in the distance and later around 5 minke whales around the area we were navigating in. We decided to move a bit further to observe hopefully humpback whales in a better angle and we got lucky enoygh to observe 4 to 5 humpback whales in the area anmd also a pod of 10 + white beaked dolphins leaping out of the water with the whales. Our last sighting was a humpbnack whale doing a pedoncle throw and then later in the way back in distance a humpback whale breaching and then rolling flapping its huge pectoral fins onthe surface of the water. We definetely did again get lucky on this tour with these incredible sightings.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Mélanie

Today we are running a full schedule of whale watching with tours at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 and 2000, and puffin watching at 0900, 1300 & 1430. 

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D, call us on +354 497 0000

or email us at info@whalesafari.is

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024