Species seen today: Minke whale, white-beaked dolphin

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, common guillemot, northern gannet, black guillemot, cormorant, north fulmar, eider duck, razorbill, greylag goose, Arctic tern, storm petrel, Arctic skua

10:00 - The weather looked calm, we just had a bit of wind and almost no waves at sea. We passed by Engey to check on the puffins but as this is the end of their season we only saw a single one on the island while the others were sitting on the water getting ready to depart to warmer places. After that, we went on to try to find some cetaceans in Faxaflói! We were sailing for about half an hour when we saw some fins, we had spotted a pod of 6 to 7 white-beaked dolphins that were a bit shy but soon enough they came to us and went around the boat jumping very gracefully. We also had a glimpse of 3 minke whales in the area! One of them came very close to us to check us out! Amazing sighting, but the wind was picking up and the time was up so we got back to the harbour delighted with this whale watching tour!

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Pedro

12:00 - The waves got a bit higher during the afternoon and we were welcomed into the bay by some splashes. We found a pod of white-beaked dolphins that were quite curious about the boat. We could stay with the dolphins for a good time and see them from very close when they swam underneath us. A bit further on we saw an enormous aggregation of northern gannets. The sky was filled with them, there must have been at least a hundred of the largest seabirds of the North-Atlantic! It was incredibly impressive to see them flying close to us and plunge-diving into the water. Among the chaos of the birds we also found a minke whale that quickly surfaced, but we were already far away from Reykjavik so when it went for a deep dive we returned to the city, on the way having an extremely close encounter with another northern gannet!

Crew: Captain Gunni & Guide Eline

14:00 -  Iceland is not known for good weather conditions and today the sea was a litle more alive. The conditions were not the best but still we went out with all the security assured. After the puffins we faced the bay to search for the cetaceans didn't took long until arrived to the area where all the boats were. In this area we searched for quite some time and 2 minke whales appeared in the distance, unfortunately nothing else appeared and we had to start to head back to the harbour so we decided to give complimentary tickets to the passengers for them to have another opportunity to see whales again.  

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rodrigo

For more information, come see us at Ægisgarður 5D,

Email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us on +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024