Species seen today: Humpback Whale, Minke Whale, White-beaked dolphin, harbour porpoise

Birds seen today: Great cormorant, purple sandpiper, arctic tern, arctic skua, northern gannet, black guillemot, common guillemot, Atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, great and lesser black back gull, herring gull, eider duck and ducklings!

Today we are running a full schedule of whale and puffin watching tours! 

10:00 - The real first summer day today. The sun was shinning and weather was just perfect. As usual our first stop was on the islands in front of reykjavik too see some atlantic puffins. Then after this stop only 5 minutes passed 2 Minke Whales passed quite close to the boat, we could really smell them, very powerfull scent of fish. The tour continued and we were seeing minke whales and white beaked dolphins literally everywhere. In total we saw 8/9 Minke Whale and more than 30 dolphins. The sea was super calm, so everyone could see the animals very well. While we are still searching for something more in the radio someone told us there was a humpback whale around so we went to try to check it but unfortunately we were unsuccesfull. Even without the humpback whale was a really amazing tour.

Crew: Daniel & Rodrigo 

12:00 - We start this amazing non-Icelandic day with a beautiful and warm sun in our faces and glassy seas, the prospect for sightings is very high! After a quick check on the puffins, we head out to the middle of the bay. Not long after we start to go faster, a minke whale appeared out of nowhere and it looked really relaxed like the seas. After a few minutes of waiting for that stinky minke, we decided to continue our journey. Some waves later, a pod of 5 white-beaked dolphins showed up to take a glance at us. We could see them underwater witch very nice! We had a blow not too far from us from something big, we went there to investigate and it was a humpback whale, but a very shy one because it stopped giving the blow and was very elusive. Oh well, there's another minke whale in the area, let's check that out! Our time was up, and we decided to come back right on time! Excellent day out in the bay.

Crew: Captain Reynar & Guide Pedro

14:00 - We were blessed by a very beautiful sunny day out in the ocean and after a quick check on the puffins in Akurey, we sailed towards the bay, where we were hoping for some nice sightings! and so, after spotting a flock of birds we had a first glimpse of a cetacean, a minke whale very shy, like always. But not too far, a blow! It was a diving humpback whale that gave very beautiful fluke dives to the passengers and some had really nice videos and photos! While we waited for the humpback to come back from the deep, a small pod of harbour porpoises came really close to the boat to check us out and left as swiftly as they appeared. We saw the humpback again and after that, we decided to check on some suspicious fins not too far away. But after discovering that it was a minke we came back to the humpback. One more fluke later and we had to go back to land after a very beautiful non-Icelandic day out in the bay!!

Crew: Captain Reynar & Guide Pedro

16:00 - The sun was stilll shining brightly over the bay, although the wind had slightly picked up. We headed to the area where a humpback whale had been seen in the previous tour, and were happy to see its blow after some searching! This humpback whale was travelling fast and always showing us the fluke after a few surfaces. We let it continue its journey and set out further North in the bay. Here, we found white-beaked dolphins who came right under the boat and were quite playful for some moments. In the same area we spotted a minke whale and more pods of dolphins. When our time was almost up, we took a detour home to Reykjavík and spotted one more minke whale on the way back, along with many northern gannets and Atlantic puffins. 

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Eline

20:00 - What a tour we had today. Clear skies, all the mountains were visible and the sun wouldn't stop shinning. At first we did a quick stop at akurey to see some atlantic puffins. After this stop our adventure begun. Didn't took us long before the first sightings, Minke Whales. Today the white beaked dolphins and the minke whales were everywhere, in this tour we saw more than 10 minke whales and more than 50 white beaked dolphins, all in different pods. We continued to go further away in the bay, the weather was just perfect, no wind and actually quite warm for iceland. After this bigger journey than normal a blow was spotted in the distance, and there it was our first Humpback Whale of the day. Due to the sun position it was quite easy too see the blows, but this humpback whale was doing some dives and appearing in random positions. Everyone saw this animal multiple times and the dolphins were also giving a show, some were jumping, others were spy hopping, and others were jumping almost on top of the whale. Unfortunately our time was coming to an end and we had to start to head back to the harbour, another humpback whale dived quite close to the boat while we were returning. This happens multiple times, even when we are returning to the harbour there is always something that can appear. The sun was still shinning and everyone was very excited about the tour that just had finished.

Crew: Rodrigo & Reynar

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D,

call us on +354 497 0000 or email us at info@whalesafari.is

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024