Species seen today: humpback whale, white-beaked dolphins

Conditions improved a great deal from yesterday as the sea smoothed a little and the white water from breaking waves disappeared which allowed all the tours to run as planned. Each tour came back to the harbour after successfully watching humpback whales for long periods. The whales appeared to be in lively spirits, fitting as it was Sjómannadaginn or Fisherman's day in Reykjavik with many activities taking place on the harbourside and the whales clearly did not want to be upstaged. In total 3-4 humpbacks different humpbacks were seen, some choosing to be more relaxed, others feeding amongst shoals of fish and another which was a little more acrobatic, rolling onto its back to perform pectoral fin slaps. A  pod of white-beaked dolphins passed by on the 1200 tour, providing great views to these lucky guests who saw two cetacean species.

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024