Species seen today: Minke whales, Harbour Porpoises, Grey seal, White Beaked Dolphins

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, Arctic tern, northern fulmar, black-legged kittiwake, herring gull, manx shearwater,  sooty shearwater, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, common guillemot, black guillemot, northern gannet, storm petrel, cormorants 

10:00 - A very sunny and pretty day in Reykjavik this morning. It was colder in the bay but still good weather. The sea conditions were very good until Akranes but more in the west it started being choppy. We stopped in Engey to watch some puffins and went further out as usual. We had a quick stop when we spotted a harbour porpoise that never reappeared. Then we continued quite far before seeing a lot of birds in a large area, some northern gannets were doing there impressive plunge-dives. In the area there was maybe 4-5 different minke whales feeding. We were seeing there blows from the distance then when we could get closer we saw them surfacing and diving into the dark and rich waters of Iceland. We left the area and looked around crossing 2 more minke whales before heading back to the harbour. 

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Miquel

12:00 - The weather been amazing the last few days and today was no exception. The sun was super strong and there were no clouds in the sky. We went straight to marflo one of the spots that we been lucky lately to find whales, and they were still there. There was around 4 minke whales passing very close to the boat multiple times. This animals only show a small part of their bodies at the surface and their beautifull fin but they can reach around 10 meters in lenght. This minke whales were also lunge feeding at the surface showng their big mouths trying to catch all the fish. The conditions in the bay were very good and animals were making everyone happy on the boat but unfortunately our time reach the end and we had to start to head back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Oddi & Guide Rodrigo

14:00 - The sea was quite calm, but we sometimes got a few splashes from the waves on the way into the bay. We arrived to an area with many seabirds, and before we knew it we saw a minke whale pop up. While we were waiting for it to resurface, we saw that there were many more individuals in the area. Some came up right next to us, others further in the distance, and one very small minke whale almost touched the boat when he or she came to the bow. When it was almost time to head back, we crossed over another good area and spotted probably the 7th minke whale of the tour. Then we cruised back to Reykjavík with the sun shining over us. 

Crew: Captain Oddi & Guide Eline

16:00 - This afternoon we went straight to the same spot were we found the whales in the previous tour. This are was full of northern gannets punge diving in the water trying to catch the fish and some minke whales also trying to have their meal. Some white beaked dlphins joined the underwater party and made also a party for the passengers on the boat. They were jumping all around multiple times very close and looking at us. These animals are almost always super curious and they get super close as well. Eventually we had to start to head back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rodrigo

20:00 - The minke whales and the dolphins are still having fun in the bay. This animals keep making the most of the space without the humpbacks eating as much as they can. Unfortunately in this tour they were more elusive to watch, going always super fast and difficult to follow and spending a lot of time underwater. The northern gannets were also a big part of the tour today since more than 100 were plunge diving and feeding. These beautiful birds reach amazing speeds when they are striking against the water making a very beautifull show. SInce the whales were difficult to see we decided to give complimentary tickets for the passengers to enjoy another tour with us for free on the classic whale whatching.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rodrigo

Today we are running our whale watching tours as well as our puffin tours all day.

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us at +354 497 0000


Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024