Species seen today: Humpback Whales

Birds seen today: Great cormorant, purple sandpiper, arctic tern, arctic skua, northern gannet, black guillemot, common guillemot, atlantic puffin, northern fulmar, great and lesser black back gull, herring gull, brent goose, eider duck

12:00 -  This morning the sky was clear and sunny so everyone was quite happy. The tour started very well in the ilsnad of akurey to see some atlantic puffins. They were happy as usual getting some sun baths. After the puffins the search for the whales started and didn't took to long until the first whale appeared very close to the boat, scared us all so close it appeared. Unfortunately imediately after it dived and we didn't saw it again.  After some search other 2 humpback whales appeared but not for too long time. The search continued but no more whales were spotted only 5 harbour porpoises and eventually we run out of time and we had to come back to the harbour. 

Crew: Rodrigo & Gunni 

14:00 - The wind strength increased in the afternoon, causing a small wind driven wave amongst the larger ground swell that arrived from the west. The abundance of whales were still present with at least 5 humpback whales scattered through a small area. We were first attracted to a large group of feeding birds which from a distance, it was clear to see the blow of a whale beneath the commotion. The whale stayed below for some time so we decided to move onto the next whale that was nearby. This whale moved very calmy at the surface, showing itself regularly before lifting its fluke within 20m of the boat when diving. We left this individual due to the boat presence and we travelled further offshore. Here, we found two whales that provided great viewing opportunities all to ourselves. On our return we made a quick stop at Akurey to observe the Atlantic puffins before coming home.

Crew: Daniel & Mike

Today we are confirmed as going ahead on all of our tours: at 1200 & 1400 for the whale watching and 1300 for the puffin watching.

For more information please call us on +354 497 0000, email us at info@whalesafari.is 

or come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024