Species seen today: Minke whales, Harbour Porpoises, Grey seal, White Beaked Dolphins

Birds seen today: Atlantic puffin, Arctic tern, northern fulmar, black-legged kittiwake, herring gull, manx shearwater,  sooty shearwater, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, common guillemot, black guillemot, northern gannet, storm petrel, cormorants 

10:00 - It's a beautiful day out there in the bay and we want to see some action! But first, we went to Akurey to check on the puffins in their natural habitat. We then went on to the waves, it was a bit wavy but nothing that would deceive us from finding cetaceans. After 45 minutes of search, we stumbled upon a fin of a minke whale that was a bit elusive but we could still see it. After 10 minutes with this whale, we saw some splashes, it was a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins that looked very active! They made really fast turns and came for air really fast! We then saw a flock of birds gathered in one place, which meant food and probably something bigger than a bird. We spotted another pod of 7 to 8 white-beaked dolphins that were even more active, they jumped around, came to check us out and even splashed the guide, me! It was great in the end, we found 2 minkes but we couldn't see them clearly so we went back to the harbour in this beautiful sun and clear sky!

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Pedro; Captain Siggi & Guide Rachel

12:00 - After a stop in Engey to see Atlantic puffins we went furhter out in the bay. There was good sea conditions, almost no white caps, and a greath weather with a blue sunny sky. We went to different area before we found many birds spread over a quite large area. We spotted 2-3 minkle whales feeding and surfacing around. We could see very well the whales lunge-feeding, capturing all the fish at the surface and filling their large throat. It was very impressive. In the area there was also a friendly lonely white-beaked dolphin, and a second one by itself as well a bit further. We could see the dolphin from very close, it was bow riding and hiding under the boat and reappearing smoothly on our side. After seeing a last lunge-feed from a minke whale we went back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Siggi & Guide Miquel

14:00 - What a day to be out in the Bay. Conditions were calm and the swell was gentle. We stopped at Engey on the way out and saw a lot of puffins sat on the rocks, readying themselves for their return to sea. After heading into the bay we found some white beaked dolphins with small calves and enjoyed watching them for a while. Soon we could see birds and headed towards them, finding ourselves in an area full of Minke whales. First we saw two or three, and then we realised we were surrounded, seeing them near to the boat and way off in the distance as well. On the way back to the harbour we found some more dolphins. Fantastic tour! 

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Rachel

16:00 - We went to Engey to see nice puffins still on the island, then went further out. There was good sea conditions even though they quickly changed and became more choppy. We saw first a pod of 5-6 white-beaked dolphins, we could stay with them a long time and they were friendly and easy to observe. Then we went further out and spotted many minke whales, probably 5 or 6 different with one that appeared super close to us. After a nice sighting of a minke whale going for a deep dive we went back to the harbour.

Crew: Captain Daniel & Guide Miquel

20:00 - It was an interesting tour tonight with three different species of cetacean sighted. A first minke whale close to Grotta, that we observed a few times. Then 4 harbour porpoises that were travelling fast and quickly went away. Then 2 or 3 more minke whales in an area full of birds, with many northern gannets plunge-diving around us, so impressive. We also saw a huge amount of jellyfish concentrated in an area making the water pink/brownish. There was a cloud with rainbow colours as well, interesting knowing that its the gay pride in town today! During the way back we found a pod of 5-7 white-beaked dolphin in a good mood, coloured in warm colours with the sunset. Beautiful tour.

Crew: Captain Einar & Guide Miquel

Today we are running our whale watching tours as well as our puffin tours all day.

For more information come see us at Ægisgarður 5D

email us at info@whalesafari.is or call us at +354 497 0000

Today's Time Schedule

Tours From Reykjavík:
22 October, 2024